Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Birds don't go hungry unless...

It says that birds don't go hungry. Jesus said they don't work or worry about the future. Yet God feeds them daily. Well, I really believed that until...

Yesterday, I learned that our love birds had not been fed for almost two days. That was because my wife forgot to buy bird feed. My immediate reaction was that the birds won't go hungry because God will feed them. Suddenly, I caught myself. ARE hungry because they are not free to roam around and look for food. They ARE trapped in a bird cage! They will eat ONLY if I feed them!

That's when it dawned on me that many Christians would not go spiritually hungry if only they were free to roam around. But because churchianity has become so restrictive and so exclusive, millions of Christians are now going spiritually hungry. Many Christians are like my love birds, trapped in a man-made cage of religiosity. They are not free to think or live as Christ would have them. They have been told that they can't read the Bible correctly and that they need pastors or priests to correctly interpret the word of God for them. They are told they have to go to Bible study or worship service in order to be fed. Otherwise, they will go hungry.

That's like putting love birds in a bird cage. I decide when and how they will be fed. And, if I forget, they go hungry. God's care for the birds is frustrated because they have been imprisoned in a cage.

Christians will be fed day in and day out (and not just on Sundays or Wednesdays) if they are not caged. They will grow if only they are free to roam and be as God intended them to be. They will multiply if they are set free to be led by their Maker. Isn't it time to free God's children?

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