Thursday, May 31, 2007

Decrease so he may increase

I heard that Andy Comiskey, founder of Desert Stream Ministries, was in Hong Kong lately on his way to Manila, Philippines, for a conference. He was not allowed to travel to Manila because his passport would expire in less than 6 months. He had to go to the US Embassy in Hong Kong to renew his passport. It normally took 1 day to get it renewed but his was rushed in just 15 minutes (according to the story).

For some this would look like a case of spiritual warfare. But I wonder what message the Lord was really sending.

John the baptizer said that he must decrease so that Christ may increase. Too often Christians have been so enamored by their leaders to the point that they have idolized them. I say that Catholics may venerate saints, but Evangelicals idolize their leaders. What's the difference? It's all idolatry.

Christian leaders should avoid being idolized and put on a pedestal by their followers. In fact, Christian leaders should not seek a following. Paul warned the Corinthians not to be divided into factions -- those who say I'm a follower of Paul, or a follower of Peter, or even a follower of Christ. Leaders should step down from their pedestals. As John said, leaders should decrease so that Christ may increase.

Perhaps the message from the Founder and Builder of the Church is: "I want my Church back."

God can just suddenly dismantle our plans just like that at Hong Kong. We are at his mercy. He really is the Leader and Pastor of all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - I am really glad to discover this. Good job!